Wednesday 11 October 2017


I was never one for setting goals on New Years Eve. I found myself forgetting constantly, and also setting unrealistic expectations for myself that I couldn't live up to. So, in the middle of October, I have decided to set myself some slightly realistic goals for this time next year.

1. Do well in my first year of University

In the middle of September this year, I started university. So far, it has been okay. I have met great people and learned new things, but I can't shake the feeling of still wanting to be in High school, a time where life was easier. Nevertheless, I wish to achieve good grades, keep up with work and enjoy my first year of university.

2. Write more

For the past few months I have wanted to write more, which is one of the reasons I am writing this blog post. Additionally, I would like to start writing a book in the next year ('start' being the key word). I have wanted to write a novel for years, and have even given it a go, but usually I would get busy with school and decide to stop. But I'm hoping by writing the phrase 'I will have started writing a book by next year' on this blog, I will actually do it.

3. Learn how to drive

At the end of August, I began driving lessons, and have been doing them weekly ever since. It was terrifying at first, to say the least. The first oh my god I'm driving a car moment was something I'll never forget. But, I have definitely improved. I hope that by this time next year, I will have passed. At least that is my goal.

4. Be healthy

I know, the most cliché goal. But, I really do want to be more healthy. I go to the gym every so often but not as much as I'd like. I also want to eat healthier, which will be the slightly harder task. I love sweet things and unhealthy foods, but I am hoping I'll be able to cut down and feel better about myself in the next year.

So, those are my goals. I hope I can achieve them by this time next year, and maybe I'll do a follow up post in a year's time.

Tuesday 2 June 2015

Photography spots in the UK

Many may think that you have to travel to, say, Hawaii, or Africa, or Japan, to take beautiful photos of beautiful places. But, that is not the case. Of course, if you are able to travel to those places, go for it, but sometimes the best photos could be taken right outside your doorstep. In this post, I have picked together some of my favourite photos I have taken in the UK

Berwick, England

The Royal Boarder Bridge in Berwick is stunning, and I loved taking photos of it. 

Blair Drummond Safari Park, Scotland

Safari parks are some of my favourite places to spend a day, and perfect places to take photos.
There are so many beautiful animals and sights to see in safari parks, and Blair Drummond is one of my favourites!

Millport, Scotland

Millport is a lovely seaside town in Scotland. You can go bike riding around the town and through the beautiful countryside, along a Coast. The beaches aren't the prettiest, but you can still snap a few gorgeous pictures of the water.

Cornwall beaches, England

I love Cornwall, it has to be one of my favourite places in England. It can also get pretty warm in the summer. The beaches are beautiful, especially on a hot summers day. 

Edinburgh Castle, Scotland

The castles in Scotland are beautiful, and Edinburgh's castle is definitely one of them.

 These are just some of the beautiful places in the UK that you can take gorgeous photos. I may make a part two at some point at there are obviously many more photo opportunities in the UK (I would love to visit the Fairy pools one day!) 

Hopefully this post was helpful, thanks for reading! 
